7 day roguelike challenge – “Back Up” End of day 5 Written on March 14, 2013, by danbrown.
Day 5 summary
Slow day again, leaving things set up for a final 2 day scramble to get things finished off and polished. Spent a long time fighting against libgdx’s built-in UI system as it doesn’t support things like hover and right-clicking natively. I think I can work around those problems as I’m not that interested in a mobile build anyway.
We can now change floors both up and back down again. Levels are the same each time and persistant (fog of war, monsters and item placements are all kept intact).
I added the start of a UI that shows the current players stats and any monsters that are trying to attack them.
Slight work done on combat, the enemies can now injure the player, although still for a fixed 200 damage each time.
Two smaller things I did – Firstly adding cheat modes to help with testing – noclip, revealmap and godmode. Secondly cutting up lots more sprites and making their background transparent ready to be put into place on day 7.

Shows the player/nearby monster status on the top-left. also shows that used a cheat mode to move from the top-right of the level to here.
Goals for day 6
- Not around
- Beef up combat to use stats, I imagine a lot of this is going to be spreadsheet work due to the needs of this specific plot.
- Examining and equipping items.
- Show level number and players effective level number.
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7 day roguelike challenge – “Back Up” End of day 4 Written on March 13, 2013, by danbrown.
Day 4 summary
Corridors at last! I got my head around the bad description of the algorithm we had at last and fixed the odd bits. I added up and down staircases as well. and made the player spawn next to the ‘up’ one. That should be ‘down’ thinking about it now…
I also added basic combat support. Both the player and enemies have health now and do damage per hit. Player damage is currently ignored for testing but the enemies can die now.
Goals for day 5
- Not sure yet.
- Beef up combat to use stats, I imagine a lot of this is going to be spreadsheet work due to the needs of this specific plot.
- Start of equipment system
- Zoom the map back in and add scrolling. It has been set at 50% normal size for testing the level generation and item/mob placement.
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7 day roguelike challenge – “Back Up” End of day 3 Written on March 12, 2013, by danbrown.
Day 3 summary
A slow day but things are still happening.
Rich made progression adding corridors to the generated map. Not quite there but just needs some debugging I think.
I upgraded the lighting for line-of-sight so I could hide the rest of the level. On the monster side I made them chase the player if they come too close. If they lose the player they will generally hang around near where they last saw them. The monsters can attack the player and vice versa although nothing happens yet.
Goals for day 4
- As usual. Get corridors added to the map.
- Basic combat system. I’ve put an enemy in the players start room to help with that until corridors are done.
- Zoom the map back in and add scrolling. Currently it is at 50% size to see it all for testing the level generation.
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7 day roguelike challenge – “Back Up” End of day 2 Written on March 11, 2013, by danbrown.
Day 2 summary
Rich got part of the level generation code running last night by adding doorways to the existing rooms. Hopefully the corridors will get added tonight. He is using this algorithm which seemed ok at first look but on re-reading it isn’t very clear on anything. BSP looks ok so will have that as a backup plan near the end if needed. I didn’t say before but I have most of the day to work on this, Rich only has a few hours in the evenings so that is why his part is going slower. I can work around it.
For my part I added an enemy in every room for testing. I Started the item system which generates (weighted) random objects of various types and added some test objects. So far I have Consumable, Armour and Weapon, with weapon subdivided into Swords, Axes, and Daggers. I need to know the difference for stats and equipping later on (probably Wednesday). For testing they spawn one per room as well. The space key picks up items and puts them in the inventory window on the left. I also started on lighting with a first-pass simple distance based light with falloff.
Sprites are from this page. They appear to originally be from here but the link doesn’t work anymore to find out attribution of if I’m allowed to use them.
Goals for day 3
- Get corridors added to the map.
- A* or Dijkstra algorithm. I don’t need it for pathfinding, although it might come in handy. I want to use it for checking that the level start/end is connected and for line-of-sight on the lighting.
- Basic combat system. I’ve put an enemy in the players start room to help with that until corridors are done.
- Zoom the map back in and add scrolling. Currently it is at 50% size to see it all for testing the level generation.
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7 day roguelike challenge – “Back Up” End of day 1 Written on March 10, 2013, by danbrown.
The 7 day roguelike challenge “invites developers to produce a complete roguelike game in seven short days”. With just under 300 teams entering this year we thought we would give it a go as well.
Day 1 summary
This is our first 7drl so we are doing things from scratch as much as possible. Plain Java with libgdx so far. We have an explorable, random map up and running, albeit without corridors yet. Rich is in charge of that part while I’ve done the other parts. The main character moves with the arrow keys and cannot go through walls as expected. Enemies move randomly and also stick to actual rooms. Just added an activity log below to record what happens.
Goals for day 2
- Get corridors added to the map.
- Basic combat system. I’ve put an enemy in the players start room to help with that until corridors are done.
- Zoom the map back in and add scrolling. Currently it is at 50% size to see it all for testing the generation.
- Start adding fog of war/line of sight.
- Start adding an inventory and items if Rich doesn’t get the corridors done for the previous two parts.